“These studies are promising, but prospective randomized trials are needed to determine whether vitamin D supplementation is a treatment option in preventing obesity. So far, vitamin D supplementation shows inconsistent…
We’ve all experienced it when we were teenagers. “Teenagers need about nine hours of sleep a night—but they get closer to seven. And around puberty, their circadian clocks shift by…
This book was published in 2013, and was bought at least 4-5 years ago. It’s interesting to read some of the chapters again. Scientists have anticipated global crisis of viral…
Many years ago, I was referred as “The fringe pharmacist” in town, I was rather amused and asked the person who came up with the name why fringe? Her response…
It’s not surprising that the past weeks my dreams were about work. I guess the only positive is, I’m getting longer REM sleep as indicated by my @ouraring Easter Friday…
This research piece led by Prof Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi at Stony Brook University, caught my attention today. I welcome any kind of distraction as I prepare for my Ketogenic Nutrition…
This is a show produced by a multi-talented friend of mine, Brix Fira. He has created some short films and has now embarked on hosting his own Podcast, The Brix…
Do you know that at least 25% of people on planet earth is iron deficient??? What does iron do? Many understand iron to just making red blood cells. But it…
Recently a lady who came into the pharmacy for some prescriptions revealed that she was anaemic and was recommended by her doctor for iron infusion. She rejected the notion as…